
Three-day training "School of Directors".

On June 23-25, 2017, in the Kyiv City House of Teachers (Volodymyrska St., 57) will be held a training for potential heads of educational institutions.

Working meetings on monitoring of primary education.
On May 22 and June 12, working meetings to approve instructions for monitoring of primary education were held.The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment, the Foundation for the Development of Education, and experts invited from various educational institutions of Ukraine. Participants got acquainted with a brief analysis of approbation, developed schemes for verification and evaluation of tasks, worked out elaborated tasks in detail.
Launch of OECD Reviews of Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Open Society Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  will launch the OECD Reviews of Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017 on 27 March 2017 in Kyiv. The review examines integrity issues in Ukraine’s education system and provides policy recommendations on how to eliminate integrity risks and restore public trust in a merit-based education system.

Coordination of the research work of OECD review team have been done by Institute for Education Development  supported by International Renaissance Foundation.

Agenda of the launch event

All-Ukrainian conference "Parents - school - authorities : problems of collaboration and perspectives of cooperation"
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Благодійний фонд «Інститут розвитку освіти» спільно з ГО «Київська міська організація «Батьки SOS» у співпраці з Департаментом освіти і науки, молоді та спорту виконавчого органу Київської міської ради (Київської міської державної адміністрації) проводить 3 лютого 2017 р. у Київському Міському Будинку Учителя (вул.  Володимирська, 57, «Велика вітальня») Всеукраїнську конференцію «Батьки – школа – влада: проблеми взаємодії та перспективи співпраці». До участі у заході запрошено представників неформальних батьківських груп і громадських організацій з Києва, Харкова, Житомира, Одеси, Полтави, Кропивницького, Львова, Вінниці, Івано-Франківська, які опікуються питаннями шкільної освіти. Конференція є підсумковим заходом в рамках проекту «Громадська підтримка освітньої реформи в Україні. Другий етап», який реалізується за фінансової підтримки Програми підтримки середньої освіти Фундацій «Відкрите суспільство» (ESP OSF, Будапешт) та Міжнародного фонду «Відродження».

Training "E-instuments for parernts and pupils"
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January 21, Institute for Education Development with the support of  Education Support Program, OSF   Budapest and in cooperation with "Parental control" organized a training "E-instuments for parernts" that was devoted to descibibg of on-line instruments available for parents and pupils for solving practical issues like choosing the school, to control school spendings and reporting , school safety etc. 

SAG meeting on development of the Law on general secondary education Conception
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Strategy Advisory Group meeting in January 11-12 was devoted to the developmnet of Law on general secondary education  Conception. In particular, experts concentrated on the Chapter on National curriculum 

Training in Dnipro "From dialog toward partnership: parents-teachers-school administration"
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Last training within the project "Public Support for Education Reform in Ukraine. Stage Two" took place in Dnipropetrovsk oblast In-Service Teacher Training Institute  on 21 of December, 2016. Training was organized by the Institute for Education Development in cooperation with "Parents SOS"  and supported by International Renaissance Foundation and Education Support Programm, OSF, Budapest. 

Dialog and Partnership: educators and parents will discuss the school problems in Dnipro
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Training "From dialog toward partnership: parents - teachers - school administration"will take place in Dnipropetrovsk oblast In-servive Teacher Training Institute  (Dnipro, Antonovycha Str 70). Representatives of parents community, NGOs, school administration are   invited to participate. "Parent SOS" trainers will share their experience of successesful involvment of the parents into solving of school problems and implementation of education reform. 

Training "School as a platform for dialog and partnership among parents and educators" in Ivano-Frankivsk
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Training "School as a platform for dialog and partnership among parents and educators"  took plave in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast In-Service Teachers Training Institute  in December 12, 2016.  Its 6rh training that have been organized by the Institute for Education Development with support of International Renaissance Foundation and Education Support Programm, OSF Budapest. 

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