
School's problem form parents perspective: Training in Ivano-Frankivsk
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On December 12,2014, in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast In-Service Teacher Training Institute Institute for Education Development organises a tranining "School as a platform for gialog and partnership between parents and educators".  During the training actual school problems  will be discussed with representatives of parents community, school administration and teachers. "Parents SOS" trainers will share their experience of effective parents participation in solving of school problems, initiating changes at the policy level and implementation of the reform.

Training for parents "How parents can influence on school learning plan?"
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Institute for Education development with the support of Education Support Program, OSF Budapest continues trainings in cooperation with parental NGOs.  Тraining on November 26, 2016  "How parents can influence on school learning plan?" . was organized together with  NGO "Parental control". During the training activists where trained how to make a choice in a variety of learning courses, how to define week points and advantages of these courses, how to communicate with school administration about the issue. 
Training in Odessa: "From dialog toward cooperation: school's problems from the prospects of teachers and parents"
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29 of September, 2016 Institute for Education delepoment in cooperation with Odessa In-service Teacher Training Institute and NGO "Parents SOS" will organize a traning for representatives of parental NGOs, activists and educators "From dialog toward cooperation: school's problems from the prospects of teachers and parents"

Training for active parents "From dialog toward cooperation"
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29 of September, 2016  in Odessa , Institute For Education Development in cooperation with NGO "Parents SOS" and Odessa In-service Teacher training Institute organized a training "From Dialog torawd Cooperation". The goal of the training is to support of the dialog between parents, school administration and teachers, enhance mutual support and sharing useful experience and information. 

Validation workshop for the OECD assessment of education system integrity in Ukraine
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Validation Workshop for the OECD assessment of Integrity of Education System was organized in Kiev in March 14-15.The purpose of the INTES workshop is a validation of findings from the OECD assessment of education integrity in Ukraine, discussion of policy responses, and collection of additional information from workshop participants about issues covered in the assessment.The assessment identified and defined a number of violations (offences), as well as associated shortcomings in education policy and practice that create opportunities and incentives for engaging in the problematic behaviour.

Expert discussion of Road map of Education Reform discussion at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
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25 лютого у Комунікативному центрі Кабінету Міністрів України відбулась експертна дискусія по реформі освіти на 2016-2020 роки. Предметом дискусії стала Дорожня карта освітньої реформи, яка була розроблена Стратегічною дорадчою групою при Міністерстві освіти і науки України. 
У дискусії взяли участь: заступник Міністра освіти і науки України Павло Хобзей, експерт Стратегічної дорадчої групи – Людмила Паращенко, голова громадської ради при МОН Галина Усатенко, представники РПР та громадянської платформи “Нова країна”. Організовано пряме включення представників освітніх інституції та громадянського суспільства Дніпропетровська, Харкова, Львова, Чернігова, Полтави та Одеси. 

Parents and educators discussed school problems
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The third training "From dialog toward cooperation: education problems form the perspective of parents and educators" took place in Kharkiv in January, 27. The training was organized by Institute of Education Development in cooperation with NGO "Parents SOS" and supported by ESP, OSF. The goal of the meeting  - to facilitate establishing of understanding and dialog between parents, teachers and school administration. The particularity of the training in Kharkiv was that parental community initiated this event. Education department of Kharkiv oblast administration provided organizational support. 

Training for parents and educators
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Training for civic activists, representatives of parents'organizations and educators from Kharkiv  and Kharkiv region will take place at  Krarkiv oblast council' House of teachers conference hall (Skrypnyka str, 14, Kharkiv) January 27. 

Georgiy Kasianov is speaking about teaching History
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Georgiy Kasianov is speaking about teaching History

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