
UCEQA: Report on the results of the first cycle of a nationwide monitoring study of the quality of primary education
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Report on a 2018 study conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Educational Development.

[PDF] Part I: Methodology and technology

Georgiy Kasianov "Ukraine education system 1990-2014: Analytical report"
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В брошурі представлено загальний огляд освітньої системи України та освновних проблем освітньго сектору. Розглянуто структуру освіти, систему управління та фінансування, проаналізовано питання рівного доступу до якісної освіти,  проблеми кадрів, оплати праці, розвитку матеріальної бази та інфрастуктури.

Secondary Education in Ukraine: Parents,Teachers and School principals opinion
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The results of sociological survey of 1001 respondents (parents) 499 (teacher), conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in June, 5-20 2015.

The survay was ordered by the Institute for Education Developmment and supported by International Renaissance Foundation.Батьки_(1).pdfВчителі.pdfДиректори.pdf

Academic culture of Ukrainian students
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UKAINE: Education Sector Overview 1990-2014 / G. Kasianov
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This report provides general overview of the system of education in Ukraine and description of the major problems of the sector. Sections I and II are devoted to the structure, governance and financing of education. Sections III – VII provide description of different sectors of the system – from pre-school to higher and post-diploma education. Section VIII summarizes major problems and outlines possible areas of intervention.

2015-03-23 School textbooks publishing system: proposal of changes
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The research examines hte system of school textbooks publishing in Ukraine. Inefficincy of the system is being anylised  within the study of institutions and stackeholders invovled into textbook publishng. 

Schools' charity funds: specifics of creation and functioning
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Schools' charity funds: specifics of creation and functioning

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