
Olexandr Smirnov
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Director of the National Learning ang Methodic center on qality of education issues, member of Accreditation Commission of Ukraine. Chairing expert’s pool of the Ukrainian Association of student self-government since 2010. 2009 - 2010's coordinated lobbying for changes to the law "On Higher Education" on student government and student rights.  Chairing expert’s pool of the Ukrainian Association of student self-government since 2010. 2009 - 2010's coordinated lobbying for changes to the law "On Higher Education" on student government and student rights. From 2010-2012 member of Quality Assurance Experts Pool European Student Union.

Member of the working group led by M.Zhurosvkyy developing the Law "On Higher Education" in 2012. Since 2011, coordinator of TEMPUS projects on quality assurance and qualification framework. Areas of interest: quality assurance, implementation of the ranking of universities, student government, management of higher education institutions, European Higher Education Area.